Immigration Litigation and Enforcement

Refused Entry to Canada?

Has your application for entry to Canada been refused?

We know how frustrating it can be when you have been denied a visa or admission to Canada. Almost any decision made by an immigration official can be challenged, in the Federal Court or otherwise. Every day, immigration authorities receive applications for permanent residence, visitor’s visas, work permits, TRP’s, study permits, etc. Not all applications are accepted.

Pre-Removal Risk Assessments (PRRA)

Are You Or Someone You Know Facing Deportation From Canada? Are You Afraid To Return?

Most people who are about to be deported from Canada are entitled to apply for a Pre-Removal Risk Assessment [PRRA]. A PRRA is an application to remain in Canada on the basis that a person would be at risk of physical harm if they get deported to their country of nationality.

Refugee Claims

Are You Afraid To Go Back To Your Home Country?

If you are already in Canada, you may have the ability to claim Refugee protection. If you or someone you know is in Canada and is afraid to return to their country of nationality or former habitual residence, you are familiar with the anxiety caused by the knowledge that you may not be able to remain safely in Canada forever.

Immigration Arrest and Detention

Are You Being Held By Immigration Authorities?

You are entitled to a prompt hearing on the merits of your detention, which could result in your release. If you have been detained by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) it is important that you know how to proceed as quickly as possible since the first detention review will be held by the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) within “48 hours” or two business days.

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Immigration Investigations

Has The CBSA Commenced Enforcement Action Against You?

Once you become aware that you are the subject of an immigration investigation, it is important that you respond promptly and thoroughly to successfully defend yourself. Immigration investigations can be conducted by two immigration agencies Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) (formerly known as Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)) or the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). They may be assisted by the RCMP, CSIS or other local and international law enforcement agencies.

Immigration Appeal Division (IAD) Hearings

Need To Appeal A Deportation Order, Sponsorship Application Rejection Or Residency Obligation Decision?

A refusal of your application by an immigration officer is not always the end of the line. There is almost always something that can be done to challenge an immigration officer’s decision or to apply for some special relief under our immigration laws. Canadian immigration regime allows for various forms of redress to make sure that you have another opportunity to make your case.

Refugee Appeal Division (RAD)

Has Your Claim For Refugee Protection Been Rejected?

In the event that you have made a refugee claim that was refused by the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB), you still have one more opportunity to have your case heard at the Refugee Appeal Division (RAD).

Admissibility Hearings

Have you been ordered to appear before the Immigration Division for an admissibility hearing?

A last opportunity for a fulsome consideration of an allegation that a person is inadmissible to Canada. The Immigration Division of the Immigration and Refugee Board [IRB] is responsible for determining whether people are inadmissible to Canada as a result of criminality, misrepresentation, or various other bars from entering or remaining in Canada.