Commercial Litigation

If you are engaged in any type of business relationship, then commercial litigation may be an area of interest to you. Though it is generally desirable to avoid going to court, sometimes resolution to business disputes can only come through effective litigation.

For your litigation to be effective, your legal representation must be prepared, aggressive, and have a true understanding of your concerns and your bottom line. The team at Mamann Sandaluk LLP Barristers has experience with many litigious circumstances from contractual disputes to construction matters, which they will be able to help you with.

If you are in any dispute involving business relationships, commercial litigation, property disputes, or property claims, Mamann Sandaluk LLP Barristers is happy to help you navigate these potential claims and help advise you about the best next steps to move forward and resolve any such disputes.

Another area of potential litigation that the team of Mamann Sandaluk LLP Barristers is happy to help with is that of Crown Liability litigation. This area of law concerns potential claims for damages against the Government of Canada, including any actions taken by any of the Government’s agencies. For example, if you are wrongfully detained by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) for immigration purposes, you could be entitled to an award of damages for the potential mistreatment that you suffered at their hands, as well as your corresponding deprivation of liberty. Other such claims could include damages suffered by you while detained in any provincial jail facility, while you were subject to poor detention conditions, including lockdowns and lack of available food. If you believe that you have been mistreated at the hands of the Government of Canada or any of its agents, the team at Mamann Sandaluk LLP Barristers wants to help you and is awaiting your call.

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