Estates litigation

Estates litigation usually involved disputes between family members or acquaintances who are contesting either the contents or the legitimacy of a will. Because such litigation usually involves close family or friends, there is a high possibility of the involvement of emotions running high and requests being fiercely contested, which can often lead to drawn out legal proceedings and/or highly contested requests for cooperation. Mamann Sandaluk LLP Barristers understands that there are emotional stakes involved in estate litigation and our clients’ needs for a prompt resolution to these issues so that all members of the family can address those outstanding issues and move on to remember the legacy of the deceased.

Estates litigation is a dynamic and complicated area of law, and the ever changing legislation and cases which define the rights and obligations of parties in estates disputes makes navigating estates issues even more complicated. It may also be the case that such cases will concern dependant support claims, or disputes over probate fees or fees going to individuals acting as Powers of Attorney (POA), and these disputes have the results of diminishing the value of the estate. For these reasons, and many others, involvement in estate litigation will require trust and legal representation with a record of getting results.

The estate litigation practice at Mamann Sandaluk LLP Barristers includes Will defences; Will challenges; beneficiary disputes; interpretation of Will disputes; interpretation of Trusts, holographic Will and codicil claims; dependant support claims; passing of account disputes; unjust enrichment claims; and guardianship applications, among others. Our firm also assists with the probate process, in an effort to help estate executors and trustees obtain certificates of appointment of estate trustees either with or without wills.

The team of lawyers at Mamann Sandaluk LLP Barristers seeks to provide effective advice and representation to all parties to estates litigation disputes, including executors and beneficiaries, with respect to a wide range of estates law disputes. We seek to give our clients the advice that they need to ensure that their case in promptly addressed with a goal to maximizing the bottom line. Please contact one of our experienced lawyers today.

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